Tyler Bernhardt Trio - A Marshmellow World (feat. Dan Peck)
A Christmas gem, brought to life in a freshly-swung fashion: dig it, baby.
Krister Axel
min read time

Get it? Marsh-mellow?
It's OK to make fun of this song because that's the point. That's what I love about it. It's both real and completely self deprecating. But this is not for your average music-maker. No. If you want to do this in the jazz idiom, you need to know what you're doing.
As far as I can tell, this Dan Peck character, and the Tyler Bernhard Trio are in cahoots together to dominate your holiday festivities this year and beyond, at least in terms of music, with the well-noted and express intention of spreading goodwill and cheer. With jazz.
Perhaps also wine.
Tyler Bernhardt Trio delivers a Christmas gem, brought to life in a freshly-swung fashion: dig it, baby.