Contributing Writers

Dana Miller's poetic syllables like to trundle in the wilds—usually in search of a smackerel or two. On their way, they have found themselves featured in Postscript Magazine, Better Than Starbucks, Fairy Piece, Sledgehammer Lit, FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Small Leaf Press, Tofu Ink Arts Press, and Nauseated Drive. When not wielding a lethal pen, Dana adores surf culture, Australian grunge rockers, muscle cars, Epiphone guitars, glitter, Doc Martens, and medieval-looking draft horses with feathered feet.

Richard Risemberg was dragged to Los Angeles as a child, and has been working there in a number of vernacular occupations since his teens while writing poetry, articles, essays, and fiction, editing online ‘zines, sneaking around with a camera trying to steal people’s souls, and making a general nuisance of himself, which is his forte. He’s survived long enough to become either a respected elder or a tedious old fart, depending on your point of view, and is still at it. It hasn’t been easy for any of us.

Alexander Jonathan Vidgop was born in Leningrad in 1955. In 1974 he was expelled from what is now called the Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts "for behavior unworthy of the title of Soviet student." Having worked as a locksmith, loader and White Sea sailor, he was drafted into the army and sent to serve in the Arctic Circle. He is now a theatre director, author, screenwriter, and founder of the Am haZikaron Institute for Science and Heritage of the Jewish People.

Sarina Dorie has sold over 180 short stories to markets like Analog, Daily Science Fiction, Fantasy Magazine, and F & SF. She has over sixty books up on Amazon, including her bestselling series, Womby’s School for Wayward Witches. A few of her favorite things include: gluten-free brownies (not necessarily glutton-free), Star Trek, steampunk, fairies, Severus Snape, and Mr. Darcy.

Christopher Chinchilla is a U.S. Marine veteran and a volunteer with a national youth program. He has a BA in Creative Writing and English. A stay-at-home husband and father, Chris wakes every day at 3 a.m. to write literary and speculative fiction before turning his attention to his daughter, Eleanor. His wife, Tritia, is a marriage and family therapist, and his first reader.

Sarah Fitz is a born and bred New Yorker, currently living abroad as an expat. Unhappy at her previous job, she managed to move herself, a three legged dog, and her partner to Amsterdam — accomplishing her life's goal of living on a houseboat.

Zach Beach is an internationally renowned yoga teacher, best-selling author, poet, love coach, founder of The Heart Center love school, and host of The Learn to Love Podcast.

Donna Lee Miele was born in Brooklyn to a Filipina mother, who grew up a fugitive during World War II and retained only a dreamlike slideshow of memories. Donna weaves much of her fiction by wondering about the experiences behind those snapshots. Her fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in Ms.Aligned 3, North Dakota Quarterly, the Massachusetts Review, and elsewhere. She is a founding member of River River Writers' Circle.

Claude Clayton Smith is Professor Emeritus of English at Ohio Northern University, the author of eight books, and co-editor/translator of three others. His work has been translated into five languages, including Russian and Chinese.

Elisabeth Sharber is a 12th grade English teacher at Frankfort Senior High School in Indiana. When she isn't writing or teaching, she likes to run, dance, watch documentaries, and bother her legislatures. She has been published in The American Aesthetic, FLARE, Driftwood Press, Bending Genres, The Chestnut Review, and Sand Hills Literary Magazine.

Chinwendu is a student-physioytherapist and Varsity footballer at a Nigerian University who spends most of her time idolizing Celine Dion, writing in melancholic moods and arguing in favor of LGBTQ+

Alan Cohen is a poet first, then PCMD, teacher, and manager, living a full varied life. After writing poems all his life, he is beginning now to share some of his discoveries.

A M L's poetry focuses on topics like the queer female perspective, feminism, nature, mythology, and death.

Avital studies political theory and cognitive science at the University of Virginia. She has writing published in Kanstellation, New Reader Magazine, and forthcoming in World Weaver Press.

Cat is a writer, photographer, and actor in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she teaches technical writing at UNM. Her poems and essays have appeared in both print and online journals.

Scientist by day, writer by night, I am a fan of fantasy and dystopian fiction. Author of published fantasy series, The Reaper's Lament.

Devon Balwit teaches international students and writes poetry atop the Cascadian Subduction Zone, where she hopes the "Big One" will wait a couple hundred more years.

Fatima Okhuosami is a clinical pharmacist, consumer of classical literature and author of fiction. Her works appear online and in-print in several magazines. She is a graduate of the 2019 IWP tour.

Gale Acuff has had hundreds of poems published in several countries and is the author of three books of poetry. He has taught university English in the US, China, and Palestine.

Lanette is a NYC-born actor/writer who has worked with Samuel L. Jackson, Bella Thorne, Chris Rock, & many more. She is the creator of THE MOTHER LOAD podcast, and plays Sally on THE WEDDING PLANNERS.

Lisa del Rosso's first book “Confessions of an Accidental Professor” was published in 2018. Her second, "You Are All a Part of Me" is due out in 2020. She teaches writing at NYU.

Marc Shapiro is a New York Times Bestselling author. He is a published short story writer, poet and comic book writer. He actually makes a living doing this. Don't tell the authorities.

Marian is an Irish writer, widely published in the US and Europe. Her book, The Heart Uncut, is to be published Autumn 2020.

Monica Wang has fiction in Electric Literature, Three Crows Magazine, and trampset, among other publications. She spent childhood in Taichung, Taiwan, and Vancouver, Canada, and now writes in Germany.

Paul Smith is a civil engineer who has worked in the construction racket for many years. His poetry & fiction have been published in Convergence, Homestead Review, Literary Orphans and other lit mags.

Penelope is an undergraduate Playwriting and Literature student at Columbia College Chicago. In addition to writing, she makes coffee and tends to plants in her spare time.

Sarah Law is fascinated by saints, sinners, and the twists and turns of language. She lives in London and edits the online journal Amethyst Review for new writing engaging with the sacred.

Sean has published fiction in Fleas on the Dog and works as a copywriter/freelance sports writer. He hails from North Jersey and is a graduate of Quinnipiac, where he won an E.R.M. Journalism Award.

Sofia A. Bening studies Journalism, Creative Writing and Musicology at Northwestern University and is the first Singaporean recipient of the Keats-Shelley Young Romantics Prize.

Steven R. Southard writes tales of fantasy, science fiction, and steampunk. He co-edited 20,000 Leagues Remembered.

Tim Tomlinson is the author of Requiem for the Tree Fort I Set on Fire (poetry) and This Is Not Happening to You (fiction). He’s a co-founder of New York Writers Workshop, and a professor at NYU-GLS.

Zac Carr is a Chicago-based content writer for Captive Demand, a full-service marketing agency offering demand generation, web development, SEO, CRO, and content creation solutions.