LA Pop Legend Delivers Wistful Retrospective. - Wingtip: Mr. 29
Krister Axel

I first wrote about Wingtip years ago, in the early days of this blog. At the time, I noted a tangential similarity to the pop sound of Imagine Dragons, which seemed appropriate, but I would say now—after a few years of honing his sound—he feels closer to the rock-pop flavor of FRENSHIP or the fat hooks of someone like Virginia To Vegas. In any case, Wingtip has built a great career trajectory for himself, with a string of fantastic singles and an EP release this year titled "Everything Forever." He has that fortunate combination of approachable, innovative lyrics and top-notch production chops, and there is a light-hearted authenticity that permeates his music as a whole.
With "Mr. 29," Wingtip wrestles with universal feelings of burnout and inner conflict, as he confronts the ill-fated fact that his circle of friends is changing as he moves through the latter half of his twenties. The result is a track that feels both uplifting and slightly retro, matching a playful cynicism with the celebration of all things wistful. Along with that feeling that the world is passing us by, Wingtip acknowledges that there is already much to be grateful for—and in doing so tacitly encapsulates the mixed messaging of youth itself. The door of time is both exit and entrance, and here Wingtip plays against both sides of this pensive dualism, finishing with a note of cautious exuberance as he prepares for the blessing of his 4th decade.
There's not a way out, there's not an obvious answer to time moving on, you just have to sort of grin and bear it and try and enjoy. With the production, I sort of had fun with the theme of getting older/vintage stuff and made it a bit of an homage to pop rock from the mid 1990s - vinyl scratches, acoustic guitars over breakbeats, big shouty choruses. I wanted it to feel nostalgic and adolescent all over again. — Wingtip

Standing in the lobby
Of a life I can't afford
Stretching all my credit
Just to buy shit when I'm bored
Visit Wingtip on Instagram.