Infinite, We Are Not. - Franc Cinelli: Night Songs (vinyl review)

In art as in life, solitude always has the final word. When we give ourselves up to the unknown, we find something better than what was lost.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

We covered a song from this album earlier in the year, and we were thrilled to receive a copy of this vinyl release. Franc has an instantly recognizable sound - between the intemerate sound of a fingerpicked guitar, and his slightly-gruff baritone croon, and the simple poesy of his lyrics, the core aesthetic of Franc Cinelli is as steady as the light of the moon.

image for Infinite, We Are Not. - Franc Cinelli: Night Songs (vinyl review)

We speak of the heart, and of the passage of time; of difficult goodbyes and pleasant circumstance. Franc's music is perfectly suited for a vinyl release, because his songs all share the common bond of simple beauty, and there is no better way to spend 40 minutes than to spin Night Songs with some nice speakers, a comfortable chair, and a fine glass of wine. When Franc sings of love, we can relate to the moment of fight-or-flight: on Horses, lead track on side 2, we are there as spectator, rooting for the freedom we all deserve.

I can't seem to run with this boulder on my shoulder

On Fly, track 4 side 1, the prominent acoustic guitar melds beautifully with the added string section, in a way that conjures images of Nick Drake: with equal parts mystery, musicianship, and melancholy. The theme here is self-reflective, as if to say that life is a secret that we uncover with timing and intrepidness; there are no mistakes, and only small victories: the thing is the journey, and the way that we reassemble the past in our mind towards a sense of purpose.

It's the right time to get even
With the thoughts that clutter up your sky

From title track Night Song, track 3 side 1, we discover a dark lullaby, wherein the pain of loss is tempered by the utility of emptiness. In art as in life, solitude always has the final word. When we give ourselves up to the unknown, we find something better than what was lost.

The stars sing a song that feels like home
Like her hand would rest between my knees

Franc Cinelli - Night Songs

The music of Franc Cinelli touches on classic folk music, to be sure: Nick Drake, Cat Stevens, Hamilton Camp, and many more; but there are also echoes of gospel music (Breathe - track 5 side 1), jazz rock (Four Walls - track 2 side 2), and what emerges is the delicate musical roar of a vulnerable soul that is raw, unabridged, and poetic to the core.

Horses is featured on our Roots Collection playlist.

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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