We are live
Krister Axel

Technically, this latest version is CHILLFILTR 4.0. Last year we ended up with a huge security flaw on the Craft CMS distribution that we had, and that created such a massive headache, that we decided to move on to a different platform. Here's the last thing I will say about Craft CMS: it's interesting, and relatively functional. The database schema will drive you mad, and the support is pretty much nonexistent. If you like it, great, but at this point I feel like there are much better alternatives that don't just drop a shit-ton of technical debt on you every time there's a major update. OK that's it. I will never again talk about Craft CMS - case closed.
There was a considerable learning curve moving onto Webflow, and to be honest, I did basically just buy a solid template, and then spend about six months customizing it. I have to say, I am still not completely up to speed on the voodoo it takes to manage dynamic menus in Webflow, but now that we're moving back to the west coast in less than two weeks, I just didn't have time to mess around anymore. :)
So welcome to the new CHILLFILTRĀ®. I do hope you like it, but if you don't, please just keep your notes to yourself for at least a few weeks while I work out the kinks with the rollout. The idea is to turn the song contest back on for next year. For the end of 2024, I will just be picking genre winners from the submission stream that goes to radio. In 2025, I might split out the song submissions - but that sort of depends on volume. This just might be the way it is for some time.
The last few months have really been an absolute whirlwind of nostalgia and reminiscences. I went west to Madison for a band reunion, I picked up a bunch of old boxes from my mother's house in Denver, and reconnected with old demos from what feels like many lifetimes ago.
But the most important thing to remember is that I've been on break with writing now for almost a full year. Thankfully, in the next few weeks that will come to an end. I plan to be writing a lot more, so you'll be seeing that here, and if you haven't already, you should consider joining the mailing list.
Here's to new adventures! If you're on the west coast, get ready to see a lot more of me in the Sacramento area.