CHILLFILTR Radio - Station Adds for August

We pick up new tracks mostly either from Bandcamp or directly from the artist or publicist. Songs that are registered with performance rights organizations in US, Canada, and UK will also receive royalties through Live365.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

We started our Internet radio station just over a year ago now, and we've gone through a few different incarnations since then. We started with, which was a problem, and worked for a while with Streemlion which offered a different set of issues. Finally we settled on a hybrid solution: with an open source product called Azuracast self-hosted on Linode, while using Live365 for the licensing support. This has turned out to be a real sweet spot for us, and our numbers have grown exponentially in the last month from a baseline that we set in that first 12 month period. Our top countries for listening are now Germany, Poland, Switzerland, and the US, along with the UK which is responsible for more than half our daily traffic. I have been heavily curating this collection of songs for a very long time, even way before we broadcast initially, so it's nice to feel like all that work is finally paying off. If you haven't heard our radio station lately, we have simplified everything tremendously: there are no more breaks for voiceover, we just play music around the clock in a mix of electronic pop, indie rock, roots, and Soul. If you haven't heard it yet, it's free and you should definitely check it out.

For some artists we are provided the tracks from them directly or their publicist, and in some cases we buy the songs on Bandcamp like anyone else. I love supporting artists that way, and will continue to do so. Sometimes I will add one or two songs from an EP or album, and sometimes I'll just add the whole thing. Here's a list of songs that we added in August, it's been a great few months for music and I expect that to continue through the end of the year and beyond. We've got a lot of problems in the world right now, from COVID to the climate and everything in between, but we are certainly not hurting for awesome independent music.

So we've got that going for us, which is nice.

In a few cases, like Damien Jurado, it's not a new album per se — but it is to me.

CHILLFILTR Radio: New Songs in August

Andrew Krull - Green Lake
Damien Jurado - What's New, Tomboy (full album)
Devan - Feel Better
Greta Stanley - When January Comes
Hand Habits - Fun House - 02 Aquamarine (album preview)
Hand Habits - Fun House - 04 No Difference (album preview)
I Know Leopard - Day 2 Day
Izo FitzRoy - Little Birdie
Jaymison - Robert De Niro
Lorkin O'Reilly - Marriage Material (full album)
Mariel Buckley - 97 Riverdale (double single)
N Kerbin - Black and Blue
Nathan Jacques - LOUD MIND - Cherry & Bandit
NTEIBINT feat. Matina Sous Peau - What You Need
Steve Gunn - Other You (full album)

Cover image courtesy of Andrey Konstantinov.


Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Southern Oregon. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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