Vintage Authentic Americana. — The Old North: Ghost

The Old North is a lively Americana trio mixing upbeat folk music synergy with influences from the singer-songwriter genre as well as jazz, bluegrass, and roots pop.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

This final and title track from The Old North's new EP "Ghost" is just as haunting and ethereal as its name suggests. With a guest performance on fiddle from Eddie Dickerson this melancholic folk track explores the emotional destruction of an abruptly severed relationship.

The Old North is a lively Americana trio mixing upbeat folk music synergy with influences from the singer/songwriter genre as well as jazz, bluegrass, and roots pop. The band traces their start back to the spring of 2016, when guitarist Hayes Cummings stopped in off the street to watch a performance by singer/songwriter Andrew O’Keeffe at the Lilypad in Cambridge, MA. After the show, Cummings, new to the area from North Carolina, introduced himself and suggested they stay in touch. Within a few months they were performing as a duo, and the following summer a mutual friend connected them with upright bassist Max Liebman, a native of New Jersey. Their brand of Americana has come to represent the vintage authenticity that New England is known for.

The Old North is:

Andrew O'Keeffe - guitar and vox
Hayes Cummings - guitar
Max Liebman - bass and vox

Visit The Old North on Instagram.

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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