Yes Kid - Alright

Yes Kid sets a philosophical tone, balancing self-reflection against the backdrop of a complex and melancholic metropolis.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

A dry and direct lead vocal feels right up front, while we explore a very personal take on the experience of daily life. The ebb and flow of self-centered reality is compared to the sheer magnitude of a place like Los Angeles, and we take stock of the small things that mean so much: a breath of fresh air, a beautiful sunset, and the ubiquitous smog layer.

As we move fearlessly into the unknown, it is important to be aware of the factors that contribute to our emotional states. What are we moving towards? What are we running from?

“Is it morning or night?
my limbs feel boneless
but the sky looks alright
the kind of blue fit for loneliness”— Yes Kid

With her debut single Alright, Yes Kid sets a philosophical tone, balancing self-reflection against the backdrop of a complex and melancholic metropolis.

Yes Kid is the newest musical project by 27 year old Los Angeles based singer and songwriter Yael Kaufman. Alright, the first single, was written by Yael and produced by her good friend Joel Manduke. This song is featured on our Indie Rock playlist.

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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