We have finally read through all the submissions of the last few months.
Krister Axel

We have finally read through all the submissions of the last few months.
Our final selections have been made. We will also be announcing our nominations for the Pushcart prize later in the month and releasing our final podcast episode of the year.
If you have not yet been contacted about your submission, then unfortunately you were not selected for this round. The most important thing to remember when it comes to the process is that there is always a concept in mind for the upcoming podcast episode that will figure in to the selection criteria. We can never make this public until after the deadline, but just know that a great many of the submissions were of a very high quality, in terms of originality and eloquence yet were not appropriate to the subject at hand in a meaningful way. We hope that you will continue to share your work with The CHILLFILTR Review for your chance at a prize nomination, a podcast episode, and an author profile with your web publication. We truly appreciate all of the entries that we received, and we spend considerable time reading each one.
Our submission portal has been closed for some time now, and it will have to remain that way for a little while yet. We are redesigning the submission workflow, mainly in order to guarantee response times for the authors that submit to us. I'd like to personally apologize if you waited more than 30 days to hear back from us regarding your submission. We are working hard to make sure that authors will hear back from us in a timely manner as we move forward into the new year.
Finally, please keep in mind that because we are primarily a web publication, we are bound by simple rules with regard to text, HTML, and CSS. This means that poems and essays that use a non-standard presentation are just not a good fit for our platform. Because we present your work to mobile devices as well as tablets and laptops, leading spaces, paragraph indents, and blank tabs cannot be enforced properly. I am a huge fan of the work of EE Cummings, for example, but even his work would be reformatted to comply with our standards. Those kinds of typographical tricks were meant for printed pages, and not markup languages. C'est la vie.
“We work in the dark - we do what we can - we give what we have. Our doubt is our passion, and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art.”
― Henry James, The Middle Years