Top 20 Content in the Year 2024
Krister Axel

We just recently crossed the 2000 mark–that's a lot of content. And in 2025, we should be posting regularly, on a schedule we haven't seen for years now. It's good to be back, and it feels great to be writing on the reg again. We basically took a break for almost the entire year of 2024, because the family moved across the country, I moved once more from Sacramento, and it has taken me this much time to get settled again.
As I get older, I begin to really appreciate the moments in my life where I can maintain a steady pace, as it were. As a writer, you really need to set up the type of lifestyle that allows you to write. For the year of 2024, I didn't really get there until the end of November. So we have this unique situation where the most popular pieces from all of 2024 fall into two distinct categories. One is older content from years prior; and the other is a select group of new posts from the last eight weeks or so that had enough activity to compete with the older posts that aren't new, per se, but still enjoy regular visitors.
Anyway, that's where I got the idea of doing a content Top 20 for the last calendar year. These are the top visited pages, that are content driven, for the year 2024. Of the thousands of posts that drive visitors to our site every day, these top 20 are responsible for the lion's share of activity.
And to be fair, the top post - regarding men who wear clogs - was hands-down the most popular post by a factor of three. it just goes to show, you never know what is going to resonate with people. I just write from the heart, and sometimes something will stick. The other thing I learned from this list, is that some of the most popular posts are pieces of prose that either I wrote, or came in as a submission to The CHILLFILTR® Review. So, certainly, I need to find some time this year to open submissions back up for prose and poetry. That should be ready by the end of the month.
If you want to get a feel for what resonates with our readers, click through and read one or all of the posts below. It's an interesting mix of political commentary, consumerist product chatter, Internet lore, and literary tidbits.
The Top 20 Most Popular Posts of 2024
In Defense of Men Who Wear Clogs
This Talented Vocalist is the Step Daughter of Pop Legend Daryl Hall. - Introducing: March Fry: Waiting Up
Top 5 Reasons Why is a Bad Choice for Music Broadcasters
The Legend of Bean Dad
Heartfelt Hip Hop from Los Angeles. - Dax: BLACK LIVES MATTER (Music Video)
Introducing Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners
Introducing Swedish Retro Pop Band Dina Ögon: Tombola 94
Introducing: Open Doors by Millie Evans (Music Video)
What Just Happened?
Hell's Itch. - My Worst Day in Recent Memory.
The Paper Kites - By My Side (feat. Rosie Carney)
Jason Grishkoff Is In the Zone. - SubmitHub Founder Talks About the Future.
Introducing the Concept of Reverse Capitalism.
Electronic Violin Pop from Billboard Top 5 Artist. - Lindsey Stirling: Artemis
Singing Dirges in the Dark
A Quick Guide to Self Distribution
Dax - Place Of Peace
Kylie Rothfield - Never Loved Somebody
Ellece - Unsteady
A Few Observations
10 of these, or exactly half, are music submissions. 2 were prose submissions. 7 were just random things I decided to write - tidbits of internet lore (Bean Dad), product reviews, how-tos, and a few armchair philosopher musings. 1 was a Zoom interview I did with the founder of SubmitHub. So I'm not seeing a pattern, really. If anything, this just goes to show that I shouldn't just be writing about music. Although the short-form music posts might be what drives a lot of the inbound traffic, it's the lengthier prose that seems to be getting more of the repeat visits.
Oh, and about the self plug on the music video at the top of this page: I've decided that if there isn't an obvious piece of audio/video content to run with, then I'll just find a song in my own catalog that feels like a fit. "As Good As Love" is still one of my own personal favorites, even if it has not at all received much love, and remains a deep catalog selection.
Y'all are reading my words, you might as well hear one of my songs every now and then. :)
Final Thoughts
It might surprise some of you to know that I didn't really have a handle on what was popular until taking a look just now. In terms of what the the most people were looking at in 2024, and what you might consider a runaway success, there's no question that the winner is a short, product-driven piece I wrote about wearing clogs. And it's not even close.
I might have to look at doing a few more product write-ups this year.
Somehow, I hear Russell Crowe, in my ear, with that raspy drawl: when the crowd speaks, a man must listen...
But it also must be said that the micro write-ups that we do for the song submissions that we get are still a huge focus. As our domain ranking continues to rise, our artists continue to enjoy improved search placement for their CHILLFILTR® feature, which then links to an ad-free & responsive page with hi-res graphics. It's a win for everybody.
Have a great year! Welcome to 2025.