Thoran James - battersea
Krister Axel

Thoran James recorded this song from his bedroom studio in South London. "battersea" tells the story of the life of a cat–who was born just south of the river, on a canvas of 'soft alternative pop with folk and electronic influences.'
Musically, the comparison here for me is James Vincent McMorrow, just because that always-on falsetto puts me in the same place in terms of vibe. The writing, of course, is very different: but the net effect is similar. This is handcrafted, deeply personal music that creates a story with organic, acoustic tones, and lends itself to repeated listening. It is a fun exercise to listen to this song as if it was being sung by a cat from Battersea, which is of course the exact premise.
Thoran James reminds us that the 'h' in his name is, in fact, silent. This will be his final release of the year, and a music video may be forthcoming.
When that happens, we will feature it here.

Visit Thoran James on Spotify.