Teddi Gold - Figure It Out

Teddi Gold is here to emote on behalf of a young generation that is looking for answers in a complicated world; and also likes to dance.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

Although Teddi Gold has drawn comparisons to both Sia and Lily Allen, her brand of dance-friendly electro-pop has roots in a unique upbringing. Having grown up on a remote island in the Caribbean with her dad and his partner, Teddi found herself isolated from mainstream culture where she developed an unwavering sense of purpose, which can be felt in her distinctive melodies and willingness to extend the boundaries of pop into the fresh waters of authentic self-discovery.

With new single Figure It Out, Gold's instinct for a gang-vocal chorus pairs well with the bouncy finger-snap swing of the verse. We turn up the bass, grab hold of our friends, and get ready for some beautiful mess-making. But the real message is that where we have the power to decide, we have the responsibility to admit when we were wrong. Life is too short to just love the one you're with; here, she stares over the cliff, and backs away slowly.

So I backed out from the edge of self-destruction
Into the arms of the great unknown instead

In the end, the redemption comes from witnessing the precipice, and connecting to that original fire through the close call of imminent emotional destruction. Sometimes, the answer is so easy that discovering it feels like watching a sunrise.

Open up the sky the sun is shining
Oh, and it feels so right feeling golden

Teddi's tracks have been getting a lot of love on HumanHuman lately, and it is easy to see why. Her fresh take on dance-pop, coupled with her unique stylistic sensibility, creates a new, yet familiar space in the current spectrum of electro and indie electronic. Teddi Gold takes on subjects that feel both important and obvious: Figure It Out is primarily a musical license to self-empower, while her previous single Video Games explores the zero-sum game of control for attention between human companion and digital entertainment. It seems clear that Teddi Gold is here to emote on behalf of a young generation that is looking for answers in a complicated world; and also likes to dance.

This song is featured on our CHILL Angeles playlist.

image for Teddi Gold - Figure It Out

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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