Country Flavored Folk Pop from Southern California. - Rebecca Aaron: Rush
Krister Axel

Rebecca Aaron’s acoustic folk-pop extends from her roots in Southern California, with a nod to the retro vibes of Laurel Canyon and a big dose of country flavor that might remind you of Donovan Woods and Kacey Musgraves. Latest track "Rush" came to be when her best friend sped back to Arizona with her boyfriend to be with his family just before California's stay-at-home order was put in place.
This infectious mix of rapid-fire melodies and nostalgic lyricism serves as a reminder of what is truly important: friendships old and new. After reaching out via Zoom to a total stranger, Rebecca discovered her latest favorite collaborator. Her instinct for intimate storytelling—mixed with roots-Americana and upbeat energy—is a perfect fit for listening on a rainy day, or just jamming out in the car. "Rush" offers up a bittersweet and beautiful moment of introspection, as we have all been forced in the last year to take a hard look at what makes life worth living.
Everything I need is right here in your arms
We made it out of the city, now
We can see for miles
For miles

Visit Rebecca Aaron on Instagram.