Touching Indie Folk from London. - Mungo Parker: Grace

A sweet and fluid sense of lyricism, seasoned with hints of poetry and a halting arrangement that yields rich moments of introspective pause.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

Mungo Parker writes his touching and original indie-folk from the southwest London suburb of East Sheen. Taking great inspiration from artists such as Nick Drake, John Martyn, Alexi Murdoch and Ben Howard, Mungo's intricate style and unique voice yield a different takeaway for every listener.

Grace is an unbridled and complicated song that features towards the end of the album. An autobiographical missive about going to work and feeling the absence of personal safety as soon Parker wakes up "in the morning light," the rest of Grace's narrative explores the feelings of hardship that persisted while spending time in a hated job, feeling caged inside the office - "trains kept rolling" on, "rain kept falling" down, and "the sun never seemed to pass my way." With a sweet and fluid sense of lyricism, seasoned with hints of poetry and a halting arrangement that yields rich moments of introspective pause, Grace is an acoustic masterpiece of observational pathos.

Mungo Parker recently released his debut album, "Life Rolls on By." This song is featured on our Americana playlist.

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Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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