Monotronic - Looking Away
Krister Axel

Monotronic is a collective of musicians based in New York City that was founded in 2016 by guitarist/producer Ramsey Elkholy. Serving also as the band's leader and primary songwriter, he creates for this project in a mix of Indie and electronic styles: hinting at an epic, arena-level rock presence, while also remaining edgy enough for the alt crowd. It's a skinny needle to thread, and Monotonic does it with style and substance.
"Looking Away," the latest single, matches the old-school bellows of a track from The Bravery with a dance-floor pop blueprint straight out of The Killers' playbook. It's just hooks and straight two-four beats as far as the eye can see. Also, extra points for a quirky vocal presence - it's always the vibrato that gives away the real ones. The lead vocal quivers in all the right ways - and I am looking forward to whatever comes next from this eccentric songsmith.
And I know not to stare into the bright lights
Big dreams are fading away

Visit Monotronic on Instagram.