Gold Spectacles - Man or Machine
A fun exploration of the space between electronic Pop & indie rock.
Krister Axel
min read time

We've written about Gold Spectacles a few times by now (here and here). They've become, over the years, one of my favorite songwriting duos. There's just always an interesting viewpoint, flawless production, some really nice melody, and a fun exploration of the space between electronic Pop & indie rock. Based in London, they call their sound baroque-pop - using a DIY approach, and drawing on a range of influences "from Paul Simon to Phoenix to Lykke Li."
With scalic analog synths, flittering guitar parts, & a gritty bass "Man or Machine" is a tribute to the unsung heroes that hold everyone else together while they themselves are breaking.
This song has had many rewrites over the years. We absolutely loved the melody and ideas for production and knew that subject would come along at the right time. We changed the vocals and switched around multiple times until the lyric came after chatting about a person that is very close to our hearts and how gritty they are. They have this deeply caring nature and desire to make sure everyone is OK even down to organising the small details of others lives, while actually being quite stoic and unemotional about what they themselves have been through. These types of people seem to get all they need to feel fulfilled by serving others. I guess we all need to be a bit more like that sometimes. We came to the conclusion that some people just love to make other people feel like they’ve been wrapped up in a blanket.

Visit Gold Spectacles on Instagram.