Desert Rock. - Friedberg: BOOM (Alternate Music Video by Justyna Gryzbowska)

A riveting exploration of desert-rock juxtaposed with the chaotic energy of a rough night in the city.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

After Anna F became frustrated with major label bureaucracy years ago she eventually fell in love with Joshua Tree, where she settled for a time to write poems and songs in isolation. Holed up in an abandoned hut in the middle of the desert, she called up her friends Daniel Brandt and Matthias Biermann to set up an improvised studio and jam out a raw, guitar-driven sound for her debut.

Now with fresh bandmates Emily Linden, Laura Williams and Cheryl Pinero, Friedberg is refining their live sound and repertoire before heading out on the road. This video was directed by Justyna Grzybowska and produced by ANORAK, and the deep well of talent is quite clear, as well as the surprising power of collaboration and sharp, stylistic synergy. The gritty visual aesthetic of the music video pairs well with the plain spontaneity of youth, while Friedberg combines the slick rock mojo of Franz Ferdinand with the dangerous abandon of Courtney Barnett. BOOM, their latest music video, is a riveting exploration of desert-rock juxtaposed with the chaotic energy of a rough night in the city.

FRIEDBERG is the brainchild of the artist previously known as Anna F. This song is featured on our Roots Collection playlist.

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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