Electro Pop. - Listen to Franke: Kids (Zack Martino Remix)

A blend of contemporary pop-aesthetics mixed with synth driven, retro production.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

What emerges immediately for me after listening to this Zack Martino remix of Franke’s single Kids is a very unique sense of melody, coupled with a slick production that speaks to a very specific emotional state. Everyone that grew up in this harsh digital world of feedback bubbles and Twitter trolls can relate to this message.

The depth and universality of this new reality seems to be lost only on the ones who can make a difference helping us escape from the hammer of corporate control. It is almost as if the potential of an entire generation will have largely gone to waste because no one was paying attention.

It seems I'm messin' up with every single thing I've done
And I'm a goner anyway

The constant negative feedback, the loss of privacy, the scarcity mentality, which all inevitably leads to false consciousness: this is what the kids are grappling with.

I had to crash my car
Just to realize how far I’ve come

In our rush to monetize the world, and control the narrative, we have taken childhood apart and crushed the fantasy that life is inherently fair. Kids, the latest from Franke’s debut EP Internet Heartbreak, brings light and hope to that darkness: whether it be the power of love, connection, or pure personality, Franke’s songs and voice are a testament to the power of staying on message.

Franke released his first commercial pop single 'Home Alone' in August 2017. Since then his independently created music has garnered more than 30 million streams worldwide. His EP Internet Heartbreak is a blend of contemporary pop-aesthetics mixed with synth driven, retro production. This song is featured on our CHILL Angeles playlist.

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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