Francesca Everly - Start Over
Krister Axel

Francesca Everly is a young, independent artist & songwriter who splits her time between London and Rome. Her latest track "Start Over" comes to us from her 7-song album "feeling this heart like i've never felt it." I was immediately struck by the quality of the songwriting, the instant memorability of the vocal performance, and a certain quality that is hard to describe. Effortless is the closest I can get.
"Start Over," on a basic level, is a catchy pop song about bouncing back after a tough break up. Lyrically, Francesca reinvigorates this toe-tapper in a way that moves beyond the simple architecture–it's not only that the chorus lifts just so, or that the hook has been doubled in such a nice way; as an album closer, this song leaves the final impression with any new listener. It is a message of honesty, vulnerability, and resiliency, and feels like a whole new beginning for this promising new hitmaker.
"Start Over" is a powerful indie-pop single with an important message: we are capable of more than we think.

"Start Over"