Innovative Dream Pop from Grand Jury. - dad sports: name & place
Krister Axel

Ottawa's dad sports announce their signing to Grand Jury Music with the video for their nostalgic lofi single “name & place." dad sports have been methodically cultivating a dedicated audience since 2018, putting out self-produced indie bangers one after the other. Their stellar work eventually caught the ear of New York’s Grand Jury Music, who will be releasing a series of new dad sports singles over the coming months.
"name & place" fuses the 16th-note urgency of classic shoegaze with elements of bedroom pop, blending warm synths and drum machine loops with an understated and infectious melody. The result is a pop confection of equal parts high energy and emotional gravity, as dad sports capture a fleeting moment of appreciation with the hypnotic combination of electric guitar, softly-layered vocals, and nostalgic lyricism.
u know that feeling when yr looking out of a car window and its dark out and everything is just really beautiful and u feel like yr in a coming of age movie ? we tried to make this song exactly that. :) — dad sports

Grand Jury is an independent record label founded in New York City in 2014. dad sports joins a roster that includes Chicago rock n roll staples Twin Peaks and Twin City indie pop rebels Hippo Campus, along with New York indie rock upstart Samia and Witchita bedroom-pop wunderkind Jordana.
dad sports is a three piece bedroom pop band formed in the early hours of the morning, exploring the Ottawa suburbs with only friendship and music to guide them - featuring Miguel Plante on vocals and guitar, Keith McDonald on drums, and Alex Keyes on bass.
Photo credit: Dax Cardoso-Grant
Art Credit: Adam Elkhadem