Criss Jrumz - Therapy

A tough-love hip-hop spotlight on the things we can do to help ourselves.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

The feel here might remind you of Jay Z, circa The Blueprint 3. It is the byproduct of some deep personal work, with a style of lyrical honesty and self-exploration that comes across with equal parts humility and power.

It’s a steady flow about the way life can be turned around: once we take responsibility for who we are, once we find our purpose, and we do the work, that’s when the doors start to open.

“Free the mind
redefine what you need to find”— Criss Jrumz

There is a sense of authentic self-discovery, thick with mini-catharses about the way things come together, what it means to find your true path, and the process of turning pain intro inspiration. Therapy, the new drop from Criss Jrumz, is a tough-love hip-hop spotlight on the things we can to do help ourselves.

“See how I’m working the single into a double now
See how I surface from nothing
I came from underground
See how I’m turning the struggle into a hustle now”— Criss Jrumz

Criss Jrumz is a Hip Hop artist from Broward County by way of the Bronx. This song is featured on our Conscious Hip Hop playlist.

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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