Swedish Dance Pop. - Listen to Archi + Pelago: Back

A synth-based melodic pulse and clear funk overtones make this a catchy number about second chances, and the effervescence of life.
Krister Axel

Krister Axel


 min read time

This band of Swedish hitmakers is following up last year’s Groundhog Day with a groovy dance number. Archi & Pelago’s new single Back is a party-song with a killer beat and a theme that is both common and approachable: can I get a do-over?

My favorite thing about this light and bouncy pop infection is the extra work the bass-line is doing. We are almost immediately subjected to the 8th-note syncopation, a bit like Supertramp meets Daft Punk, and one is left with no choice but to fall in love, or at least tap a foot.

We’re thicker than Buddha
at least that’s what you said

A synth-based melodic pulse and clear funk overtones make this a catchy number about second chances, and the effervescence of life.

Archi & Pelago is an indie pop band from Sweden. This track is featured on our CHILL Angeles playlist.

Krister Axel

A proud husband and father of two living in Sacramento. I write code, I make music, and I publish content on the web. See also: Podcasting, Poetry, Photography, & Songwriting.

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