A Few Words About Titty Bingo
Krister Axel

Everyone deserves to have a band of old friends that they get to make music with. We just happen to know about Willie Nelson's such band, because he is Austin's favorite son. And Bobbie, her favorite daughter. Also, I just have to give points for a band name like Titty Bingo. It's funny, original, and like many things that come from Austin, it's either lighthearted or 'deeply troubling,' depending on who you ask. Which to me is the mark of a good name. At least we're talking about it.
On to the music: it's no small thing to have an iconic voice like Willie's singing lead, and on their latest track "Running With Our Friends," Titty Bingo makes the most of it. Backed by a roots band comprised of good friends Dahr Jamail, Derek O’Brien, Freddy Fletcher, Joe Jamail, Steve Bailey, Larry Fulcher, and siblings Bobbie Nelson & Willie Nelson, Titty Bingo just puts down what you might call some good time country rock 'n' roll. Guitars and lap steels and drums and bass, and that rickety old country croon that we love so well. It's nice to see a band like Titty Bingo still doing what they do best: mixing blues, country, and acoustic folk with a little sense of humor and the will to be bold.
"Running with our Friends" is a testament to the joy of growing old with the people that you love, while also (perhaps) making a sideways reference to the Bob Seger classic "Running Against the Wind"–as if to say, friendship is the logical backstop for a life well-lived.
Fred is Willie’s nephew and worked for him throughout the 70’s. The band rarely plays live gigs. The first was the 1994 Farm Aid and at the Superdome in New Orleans. Through the years, Larry Fulcher has played bass and keyboard. Joe Jamail joined in 2016. He plays mostly acoustic and bass guitar. For the past 2 years they have worked at Arlyn Studios in Austin, Texas to build a library of songs to be released throughout the next two years. Bobbie Nelson has played B3 with them since 1994 at most of their live shows, at Willie’s Picnic or Farm Aid. Willie joins the band live and in the studio when he feels like it.
Visit Titty Bingo on Instagram.